
Sociocultural Changes

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Dobrolyubska, Y., Semko , Y. ., Tytar , O. ., Yuhan , N. ., & Byedakova , S. . (2024). ART AS A TOOL FOR SOCIO-CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION: A CASE STUDY IN THE CONTEXT OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL CHANGE: UM ESTUDO DE CASO NO CONTEXTO DA MUDANÇA SOCIAL CONTEMPORÂNEA. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 16(1), 445–460. Retrieved from


The impact of art development on contemporary society is determined in many ways. Due to the current socio-cultural transformations (in particular, digitalisation), the study of this issue is becoming even more relevant. The purpose of the article is to study art as an instrument of social change through the prism of a case study. To achieve this goal, the scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction were used. The results of the study highlight the integral and conceptual stage of development of the artistic worldview, which requires generalisation and systematisation to construct a unified worldview. Its role in highlighting social problems and transformational potential is emphasised. Art allows for the articulation and representation of unexplored ideas, concepts, and phenomena, promoting debate and social progress. What is important is its ability to transform physical or bodily modes of perception, providing new opportunities for expression and understanding. The novelty of the study is to prove that contemporary art has a significant impact on socio-cultural transformation in the context of modern social change. The conclusions note that art in all its forms is recognised as a dynamic and influential tool that contributes to the formation of new narratives, empathy, and positive social change. From street art to virtual spaces, the important contribution of artists to catalysing change across borders and inspiring collective action in response to the complex challenges of our time is highlighted.



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