
Intelligence Center
New Public Governance
Conflict Management

How to Cite

Fruet de Moraes, B., Castagna Lunardi, F., & Alves Ribeiro Correia, P. M. (2023). THE INTELLIGENCE CENTERS OF THE JUDICIARY AND THE NEW PUBLIC GOVERNANCE: A CASE STUDY. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(1), 258–282. Retrieved from


This article aims to investigate which factors could influence the operation and performance of the Intelligence Centers of the State Courts of Justice in the institutional mission of improving the effectiveness of the macro solution of conflicts by the Judiciary. The methodology used is, initially, the bibliographical research, with the analysis of constructs of the new public governance and legal-normative analysis about the creation of the Intelligence Centers of the Judiciary. Next, a case study is used, through document analysis and qualitative research, with semi-structured interviews with members of the Intelligence Center of the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná in the year 2022. As a result, the research presents, the from the perception of the interviewees, factors that can influence the ability to achieve the objectives of the Intelligence Centers, such as their composition, the need for quality time to dedicate to the Center, the way of provoking demands to the Center, networking, the mechanisms for disclosing its existence and the participation of external actors. It is concluded that there are indications that the good performance of the Intelligence Centers can contribute to the adequate treatment of repetitive and mass demands in the Brazilian Judiciary.



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