
Human values
ancestor worship
Chinese people
Ho Chi Minh City

How to Cite

Long, N. T., & Van, V. H. . (2022). HUMAN VALUES OF THE ANCESTOR WORSHIP OF THE CHINESE PEOPLE IN HO CHI MINH CITY. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 14(2), 330–344. Retrieved from


In Vietnam, ancestor worship is a popular form of folk believably reflects the characteristics of folklore, imbued with the principle of "uống nước nhớ nguồn", "ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng cây", aiming at strengthening and enhancing the sense of community. But this form of belief also has potential factors that lead to superstitions and customs that damage each person's time, health, and money. The Chinese are a community of Vietnamese people, with a history of migration and settlement in the land of Sài Gòn - Chợ Lớn  (Ho Chi Minh City). The ancestor worship of the Chinese community here has become a good tradition, contributing to preserving, preserving, and promoting its values, as well as contributing to the protection and development of the Chinese community on the Chinese background, the foundation of family values, bloodlines that share a common origin, relatives, from which other community activities are increasingly expanded and developed based on the importance of ancestor worship. The purpose of the study is to clarify the human values ​​in the ancestor worship of the Chinese people in Ho Chi Minh City and its influence on the cultural and socio-economic activities of the Chinese community.



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