The Noble Quran was revealed in seven Ahruf (dialects) of recitations, which contains the seven standard modes of readings in the present day. However, there is a paucity of research into the connotations of different modes of Quranic recitations. As such, some grammarians tend to criticize certain recitations, perhaps due to their inadequate knowledge of Quranic exegesis. For this reason, there is an urgent need to conduct a systematic investigation to address the issue of misinterpretation of Quranic verses based on modes of recitations, especially Hafs and other forms of recitations. Therefore, this study aims to address the question of variations between two modes of Quranic recitations, Hafs and Nafi’, concerning addition and deduction in two selected chapters, Al-Fatihah (The Opening) and Al-Baqarah (The Cow) and their connotations. The study adopts an inductive-analytical approach in which Quranic verses from the selected chapters are analyzed to reach valid outcomes. The findings reveal that differences in Hafs and Nafi’ modes of recitations do not suggest contradiction but increase our understanding of the meanings of Quranic verses with multiple expressions. The expressions fulfill the basic requirement for the validity of regular modes of recitations. This knowledge helps in exegeses within Quranic verses and reveals the inimitability of the Noble Quran. It is envisaged that this study could advance our understanding of how the variety of recitations can help in forming accurate interpretations of Quranic verses.
The Noble Quran
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