The purpose of the article is to study socio-cultural processes during military conflicts by applying an interdisciplinary approach that involves a comprehensive study using methods from various scientific disciplines. The article uses an interdisciplinary approach that includes media monitoring, content analysis, factor analysis, and statistical methods of data processing. The reliability of the selected methods and tools was tested using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The research focuses on the question of how interdisciplinary methods contribute to the study of changing attitudes in society. Methods and concepts from philosophy, psychology, conflict studies, linguistics, sociology, and mathematics are used to analyse these processes, which provides a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the impact of war on the social environment. The study pays special attention to the impact of media and journalistic discourse on the perception of war within Ukrainian society. It is proved that manipulations by enemy propaganda can significantly affect the morale of the population and its attitude to the military conflict. The article provides empirical data from the content analysis of journalistic discourse in the framework of interdisciplinary research. This study introduces a scientific novelty related to the use of interdisciplinary approaches in the analysis of socio-cultural processes that occur during military conflicts. To better understand how military conflicts affect society, the complex connections between culture, sociology, psychology, and philosophy are examined. The results obtained have shown the effectiveness of using interdisciplinary approaches in the study of socio-cultural changes in the context of war.
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