
Augmented reality
Learning outcomes
Traditional games

How to Cite

Darmawan, G. E. B. ., Parwati, N. N. ., Warpala, I. W. S. ., & Divayana, D. G. H. . (2023). THE EFFECT OF AUGMENTED REALITY MEDIA AND MOTIVATION TOWARDS STUDENTS’ LEARNING OUTCOMES IN TRADITIONAL GAMES: PHYSICAL, SPORT, AND HEALTH EDUCATION. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(4), 206–219. Retrieved from


This study aimed at investigating the effect of augmented reality media and motivation towards students’ learning outcomes in traditional games as a subject in Physical, Sport, and Health Education. Quantitative approach was adapted as the research design particularly in the form of Quasi Experimental with 2x2 Factorial Model. The population was eight-grade students at SMPN 1 Singaraja in which there were 80 students selected as research sample by using random sampling technique. The data were collected through post-test and pre-test by using biometric test (written test) as the research instrument. The obtained data were analysis descriptively and inferentially with the assistance of SPSS 25. The findings showed 1) there is a difference in learning outcomes between students who are taught by augmented reality and students who are taught by conventional learning; 2) there is an interaction effect between media and motivation towards learning outcomes; 3) high motivated students taught by augmented reality outperform high motivated students taught by conventional learning ; 4) less motivated students taught by augmented reality show less performance than low motivated students taught by conventional learning.



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