
digital technology skills
professional teacher
elementary school

How to Cite

Jayanta, N. L. ., & Riastini, P. N. . (2023). IN-SERVICE TEACHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION: PROFILE OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY SKILLS. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(3), 195–205. Retrieved from


This study aims to describe the digital technology skills of elementary school teachers who had participated in the in-service Teacher Professional Education (PPG) program and find differences in participation in the in-service PPG program towards the digital technology skills of elementary school teachers. This type of research was chosen because the data revealed from PPG activities in office had occurred before. The subjects in this study were elementary school teachers in Buleleng Regency who had participated the in-service PPG at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha and who had never attended in-service PPG. Sampling was done cluster random sampling. The sample of this study was 45 people, with details of 4 people from 9 district clusters. The required data is obtained through a rating scale instrument. Data analysis begins with a descriptive analysis of digital technology skills data for elementary school teachers. The second analysis was carried out using a differential test to find differences in the digital technology skills of elementary school teachers who participated in the in-service PPG program and those who did not. The results showed that the technological skills of elementary school teachers who took PPG in office were in the good to very good category, while those who did not take part were in the moderate to good category. There are differences in the technology skills of SD teachers participating in PPG in office and not participating in PPG in office. In other words, in-service PPG participants do better in digital technology skills compared to non-in-service PPG participants.



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