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Human Resource Development.
Global Human Capital.
Human Capital Index.
Human Development Index

How to Cite

Bangun, W. . (2023). HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA ON ASEAN. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(2), 223–233. Retrieved from


Human Resources is a factor of production that has a major contribution to the economic growth of a country. Indonesia is a country with the fourth largest population in the world after China, India and the United States. Indonesia has a contribution of around 40 percent of the population and human resources to ASEAN. Indonesia's economic growth is still lagging behind that comparing of Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. This study aims to determine the development of human resources in Indonesia against ASEAN. The research method used is descriptive research by analyzing the existence and human resources development of Indonesian towards ASEAN. This study uses data sourced from the world bank, Human Development Report (HDR), and the World Economic Forum (WEF). There are three measuring tools that serve as guidelines for measuring human resource quality, namely the Human Development Index (HDI) and Human Capital Index (HCI) and Global Human Capital (HCI). The results of this study indicate that the quality of life of the population, quality of work, and work productivity of Indonesian human resources are lower than those of Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. The development of Indonesia human resources can be done through improving the education, prosperity, and health sectors.

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