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Legal System
Legitimate Expectation
Rights System
Rule of Law

How to Cite

Rohling, M. (2023). THE LEGAL SYSTEM AND THE GRAMMAR OF RIGHTS IN RAWLS THEORY OF JUSTICE. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(3), 1–31. Retrieved from


In this article, it intends discussing the elements that involve involve the rawlsian conception of right present in justice as fairness. To this end, the text is raised as follows: in the first part, it explores the system of rights that the author formulates, in order to establish a definition of right, as well as formulating a typology of rights; in the second part, it argues the legal system that justice as fairness requires, characterizing the rule of law, as well as the role of law and punishment in a well-ordered society; finally, in the third part, it discusses the relationship between the legal system and the rights system, pointing to the way in which rights are incorporated into social institutions. As a result, it is expected to undertake a grammar of rights in justice as fairness.

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