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Public Policies

How to Cite

Maia, T. S. V., Correia, P. M. A. R., & Resende, S. A. L. (2023). A NEW LOOK AT PUBLIC POLICY FORMATION AND ITS ORGANIZATIONAL INFLUENCE. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(1), 99–114. Retrieved from https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/synesis/article/view/2379


The topic of public policy is increasingly being addressed in a society where scrutiny of government action is increasing. With the inclusion of a wide variety of authors, this article seeks to show a new side of them. The objective, then, is to analyze and explain how public policies emerge, as well as what is the role of the various institutions in them. To achieve the objective, the method of reviewing the various existing literatures was used. At the end of this article it can be better understood that the emergence of a policy is not at all random. In theoretical terms the article is able to present several central points in the theme, associating alternative currents, which are also important. The results obtained from the article are a very complete explanation of how public policies emerge, in a clear and perceptible way to all readers.

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