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Public management models. Public Administration. Management Sciences.

How to Cite

Maia, T. S. V., Correia, P. M. A. R., Costa, C. S., & Resende, S. A. L. (2023). PUBLIC MANAGEMENT MODELS: A GENERATIONS THEME. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(2), 1–15. Retrieved from


Public management can be considered one of the most complex challenges in administration. This article, through the study of some of the most prestigious models of public management, attempts to better understand the complex engine that is Public Administration. The data obtained is based on the analysis of the various models that have emerged throughout the evolution of administration. With this article, it will be possible to better understand how the various models influence the present of public administration, as well as to better understand all the evolution resulting from the models studied. The conclusion is that the Public Administration that we know today is the result of a set of changes that have occurred over time, either through new coordination mechanisms, but also through the recovery of positive aspects of bureaucracy.

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