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European Arena
Constitutional Court
International Dynamics
Dialogue Protocol
Judicial Dialogue

How to Cite

Correia, P. M. A. R. (2021). TRÍADE DIALÓGICA DE JURISDIÇÕES EUROPEIAS: ENTRE O MONÓLOGO E O DIÁLOGO. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 13(2), 195–207. Retrieved from


In the European arena, a dialogical triad is detectable where the multilevel protection of Human Rights is supported. Considering the dynamics between the European Court of Human Rights and the constitutional courts, sometimes overlapping and generating conflicts that call into question the defense of rights and freedoms, the need for a better dialogue between these jurisdictions is evoked. The aim of this paper is to analyze the cohabitation between the Portuguese Constitutional Jurisdiction and the European Human Rights Jurisdiction in order to better understand the state of the judicial dialogue. It is also aimed at understand whether a more favorable dialogue will be taking place between the jurisdictional bodies or whether an inflexible monologue will be perpetuated. Future studies should analyze the dialogue between the jurisdictions of other States and the European Court of Human Rights, analyzing, inter alia, judgments with impacts on domestic systems.

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