Disciplinary responsibility for civil servants is an important legal term, which serves as the basis for the development of legal provisions related to civil servant discipline. Civil servants violate the obligations of civil servants; what civil servants are not allowed to do; internal rules and regulations of agencies, organizations, and units; Violation of morality, lifestyle, or other violations of law while on official duty shall be considered for disciplinary action. However, in recent years, handling law violations has not been timely, and the sanctions are not enough of a deterrent. The work of propaganda and crime prevention in some places is still formal. Some law enforcement officers have a poor sense of discipline, affecting the effectiveness and efficiency of crime prevention and combat and law violations. There are still a number of decisions not to prosecute the case that was canceled, the decision to prosecute the case lacked legal grounds, and the files were returned for additional investigation due to procedural violations. In some unjust cases, the trial panels accepted grounded appellate protests. On the basis of legal practice, analyzing the obtained results, and pointing out the limitations and weaknesses in the legal system of disciplining civil servants, this study proposes solutions to improve the law civil servant handling in the next stage.
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