Cadres and civil servants are people working in the public agencies of Vietnam. Accountability for cadres and civil servants are mandatory regulation for public agencies, demonstrating the sense of responsibility of cadres and civil servants for their assigned tasks. The sense of responsibility for performing tasks when assigned by the Communist Party of Vietnam (Party), Government, or superiors, whether big or small jobs, difficult or easy tasks, etc. All must be done until the end, overcome all difficulties, and make it successful. Because, the nature of the State of Vietnam as stated Constitution (2013) is “a socialist rule of law state, of the people, by the people, for the people”. Therefore, performing accountability to the people is an obvious obligation of the state in general and of cadres and civil servants. Within the scope of this article, the authors focus on analyzing accountability to serve as a basis for proposing solutions to tighten discipline, administrative discipline, and forms of disciplining officials and civil servants in the context of international integration to suit reality, and at the same time, contribute to building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law State of Vietnam in a better and greater new period.
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