
Tengri, kut

How to Cite

Gumbatova, R., Maymerova, G. ., Apezova, D. ., & uulu, E. B. . (2024). INFLUENCE OF TENGRIAN PHILOSOPHY ON THE KYRGYZ PEOPLE’S ETHNOCULTURAL CODE. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 16(1), 554–562. Retrieved from


The purpose of the article is to analyze Tengrism and its influence on the ethnocultural code of the Kyrgyz people. The research methods employed include analysis of historical and ethnographic sources, anthropological studies, and the study of legends, tales, and paremias to define the key cultural aspects and borders with Tengrism. The research demonstrates that Tengrism has an influence on the measures of the worldview of the Kyrgyz people and contributes to the development of nationally specific features in the linguistic continuum. Religious convictions and practices incorporated into Tengrism are key elements of national identity. The authors stress that Tengrism not only constitutes a religious system but also includes a method of thinking, universally recognized standards of action, and social properties of Turkic-speaking peoples. Religious convictions encoded in legends and tales have become a consistent part of the consciousness of the Kyrgyz people, shaping their attitude toward nature and the surrounding world. Understanding Tengrism as a part of cultural heritage is a necessary step for the preservation and stability of the ethnic and religious identity of the Kyrgyz people. The study also points out the diversity of interpretations of Tengrism, which calls for a deeper investigation of this problem to understand the ancient phenomenon fully.



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