
accessible games
bibliometric analysis
people with disabilities

How to Cite

Altinay, F. ., Kazmacı, A. ., Dagli, G. ., Alptürk, K. ., & Altinay, Z. . (2023). ACCESSIBLE GAMES: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS FOR FUTURE DIRECTIONS. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(4), 448–463. Retrieved from


Sustainable society and education rely on the policy and strategies about accessibility. Making inclusion fosters quality of education and services for all in relation to the well-being in the digital context.  Accessing facilities and information play a great role to acquire services for all. People with disabilities have rights to access information and all facilities. Games are key facilitator for socialization and learning for wellbeing. This research study aims to determine how accessible games can fulfil inclusiveness and well-being based on a systematic review of the literature for future directions after pandemic times. In this respect, bibliometric analysis was conducted to reach out the answers of; 1. What is the distribution of the publication and citations by years in Web of Science? 2. What is the distribution of the studies by language and countries in research of Web of Science? 3. What are the most-cited (citation and co-citation) journals publishing research, document types in Web of Science? 4. What are the most-cited keywords, fields in Web of Science? 5. What is the time trend in title and abstract about accessible games for well-being in Web of Science?



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