
Philosophical concepts
Philosophical postulates
Practical application of philosophy

How to Cite

Rudenko , O. ., Shymanovych, A. ., Ihnatiev , V. ., & Illiuschenko, S. . (2023). PHILOSOPHICAL CONCEPTS AND POSTULATES IN THE MODERN WORLD: CHALLENGES, REFLECTION AND THEIR PRACTICAL APPLICATION. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 16(1), 33–46. Retrieved from


The contemporary world faces many challenges, such as environmental crises, social injustice, etc. New philosophical concepts and postulates are required to solve these issues. The article aims to describe the challenges, reflection, and practical application of philosophical concepts and postulates in the innovative society. The educational process focuses on philosophical concepts and postulates. The research is on grounds the analysis, synthesis, and generalization of scientific literature. The paper defines philosophical concepts and postulates and gives an example of philosophical doctrines. The authors outline the main challenges of philosophical concepts and postulates in the world today: ecological imbalance between society and the environment; Worsening poverty of the vast majority of humanity; cultural imbalance. The article considers the practical application of philosophical concepts and postulates in the contemporary world. Philosophical concepts and tenets are fundamentally necessary because they contribute to the integration of scientific knowledge. They form the most general patterns of development of society and nature. Also, philosophical concepts and postulates are used in all areas of modern society. This, in turn, makes it possible to see the general trend of global issues, the dynamics of their interaction, and interdependence.



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