
Japanese occupation period
Taiwan Botany台湾植物学
Useful Plants Survey
Taiwan Natural History Society

How to Cite

Xiang, Q. . (2023). TAKING "THINGS" AS "NAMES": THE FIELD, KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION, AND MEANING CONSTRUCTION OF TAIWANESE BOTANY (1895-1945) . Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(1), 453–466. Retrieved from https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/synesis/article/view/2690


Naming is a universal culture that exists in human society. People not only name people, but also give names to things; Naming is also the manifestation of power and the production of knowledge, making power and knowledge coexist. During the Japanese occupation period, Tashiro Yasusada田代安定 plant survey, "Tokyo University Plant Exploration"东京大学植物探险, the island wide "Useful Plant Survey"有用植物调查 and the plant collection of the "Taiwan Natural History Society"台湾博物学会 all promoted the production of botanical knowledge in Taiwan. Their surveys were transformed between academic and political. The knowledge and achievements of production not only served the politics and economy of colonial rule, but also were used "locally" in school education, building multiple symbolic meanings. The plant survey in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation period promoted the development of natural history in modern Taiwan.



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