
Higher education
Education system
Musical education
Creative self-realization of the individual

How to Cite

Smorodskyi, V. ., Tsuranova, O. ., Smorodska , M. ., Zimohliad , N. ., & Stepanova , O. . (2022). PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS AS AN APPLIED PROBLEM OF PERSONAL CREATIVE SELF-REALIZATION IN MUSIC EDUCATION. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(1), 382–391. Retrieved from


The article defines the basic concept of research in line with the methodology of personal-activity, cultural and acmeological approaches. A system of pedagogical conditions for the creative self-realization of the individual in additional musical education through song and instrumental art has been developed and implemented. to create a scientifically substantiated model of the pedagogical system of additional musical education as a means of creative self-realization of the individual. The possibilities of a monographic method for studying the features of the process of creative self-realization of a person in additional musical education are revealed



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