This study aims to improve the critical thinking skills of prospective teacher through Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) based learning with Lesson Study settings. The design used in this study is action research with multi cycles with Lesson Study. The research subjects were the students of Elementary School Teacher Education Department. The instrument to measure student’s critical thinking skills is a test in the form of a description. The observation sheet is used to observe the implementation of HOTS-based learning in the Lesson Study setting. Student responses are measured using a questionnaire with the number of questions 20 items. There was an increase in critical thinking skills as indicated by an increase in students learning achievement. This is seen from the percentage of student learning achievements in the pre-cycle of 63.15 and 60.20 in the medium learning achievement criteria. After the action of the first cycle, which is an average of 72.51 and 74.38 is on the criteria for high learning achievement. And in the second cycle increased that is an average of 81.83 and 82.54 in the criteria for high learning achievement. There is an increase in critical thinking skills which is indicated by an increase in learning achievement.
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