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Círculo de Viena
Epistemologia Analítica da Religião

How to Cite

de Oliveira Marques, V. H. . (2023). VERIFICATION CRITERIA AND THE PROBLEM OF GOD: APPOINTMENTS. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(3), 69–84. Retrieved from


The anti-metaphysical aim expressed in the verification’s theory has a special place in the classic work of A. J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic, from 1936. It ended up becoming a reference in the way that neo-empiricism tried to solve this question. However, what relationship is there between the verification principle and the problem of God? This question allows us to verify the sufficiency of this principle in the treatment of religious themes as such. To do so, it will be developed: [a] a brief and general argument about the principle or criterion of verification based on Schlick, Wittgenstein and Carnap – having the first not only as a starting point, but as a point of comparison; [b] the application of the verification principle to the problem of God from Ayer's work "Language, Truth and Logic"; and [c] considerations concerning the use made of Ayer in treating the question.

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