
Contemporary art
Museum corporation
Exhibition hall

How to Cite

Rustikovna Zabalueva, T. (2023). HISTORY AND TRENDS OF MODERN MUSEUM ARCHITECTURE. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(2), 190–207. Retrieved from https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/synesis/article/view/2489


The article presents an analysis of the relationship between architectural trends in museum design and changing perceptions of the role of the museum in society. The study analyzes the social and cultural changes in the perception of museums that have brought about new trends in the organization of operation of museums and their architectural design. To analyze trends in the development of museum architecture, the authors consider examples of museum buildings from the 18th century to the present day. As a result, the study discloses the relationship between the transformation of architectural designs and the functions of the museum in a particular time period. The trend discovered is that museums are being reimagined as cultural centers, housing associated facilities like concert halls, libraries, restaurants, and children's areas as a result of the commercialization of museums. The new approach to building museums as large corporations is outlined. The study reviews the new experience in the creation of the image of museums that has started to reflect social, political, or cultural orientation, which can be seen in the works of F.L. Wright, D. Libeskind, or F. Gehry. The study gives insight into the trends of development of the modern museum that generally determine the future architecture of these objects.



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