In Vietnamese history at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, there was a period of great change in all aspects, namely: the decline of the Nguyen dynasty feudalism; The Confucian ideology was the spiritual support for the feudal system in crisis and powerlessness before the tasks of contemporary Vietnamese social history. Vietnamese society fell into a great upheaval, which had never been seen in history, people lost their freedom and democracy seriously. Before the request of history, many thinkers appeared, including Nguyen An Ninh. In his ideological system, Nguyen An Ninh discussed ideas about the role, position, human values and human education. He explained the origin of man from the point of view of evolution. The people mentioned by Nguyen An Ninh are concrete and real people associated with historical and social circumstances, not general and abstract people. Nguyen An Ninh asserts that humans are both active and passive towards the universe. Therefore, human freedom is not born by itself, but it is cultivated according to the evolution of society. In particular, he always believes in the power of real people and that it is people who make social history. Therefore, in order to build the future for the country, it is necessary to train a generation of people who know how to create, know the true value of the race, have knowledge and a soul to revive the national spirit. It is necessary to take care of the development of education, so that everyone is fully educated. Nguyen An Ninh emphasized that human rights are inviolable, he called on everyone to stand up and fight for human rights. His thought on human rights has made a certain contribution to humanity in general and Vietnam in particular.
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