
Cultural behavior
Fourth industrial revolution

How to Cite

Quang Huy, N. (2022). ENHANCING CULTURAL BEHAVIOR IN THE CONTEXT OF THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION (INDUSTRY 4.0) IN VIETNAM . Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 14(1), 129–141. Retrieved from https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/synesis/article/view/2147


The fourth industrial revolution (4.0), referred to as Industry 4.0 for short, with outstanding technological advances, has been having a strong impact on most countries and ethnic groups. Those impacts have penetrated all fields and every person around the world directly and deeply. Not out of that impact, culture and Cultural behavior are facing many opportunities and challenges brought by the 4.0 industrial revolution. This has made the culture have many new faces, changing in both positive and negative directions. Therefore, the study of culture and Cultural behavior and at the same time make them become the spiritual motivation as well as the endogenous strength for each nation and nation to rise up and assert themselves is very necessary. That requires us to have deep cultural awareness. Within the scope of the article, on the basis of clarifying the concepts of "culture" and "cultural behavior", the author focuses on analyzing their role in social life and at the same time points out some basic solutions to improve cultural behavior in the context of the current industrial revolution 4.0 (Industry 4.0) and digital technology transformation.



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