In Ukraine, there is a slow process of change in the field of countering and combating corruption, despite some legislative changes, innovations, and institutional transformations. The article aims at highlighting the priority issues related to the processes of improving anti-corruption legislation in Ukraine. The research methodology includes historical legislative analysis and content analysis of the results of the work of key anti-corruption institutions in Ukraine responsible for improving the legislation on corruption. The results show that in general, the situation in Ukraine concerning countering and combating corruption has not changed much in 2012-2021. The key reasons for the lack of changes include insufficient legislative initiative of the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, sporadic attempts to introduce legislative changes, the unsatisfactory activity of the Verkhovna Rada in the field of anti-corruption policy, and delayed adoption of the anti-corruption strategy. In some cases, the Verkhovna Rada weakens or distorts legislative initiatives, which poses threats to the work of anti-corruption institutions. Adopted anti-corruption laws of lower importance contain certain ambiguous provisions and have little impact on corruption. In most cases, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine initiated draft laws in the field of anti-corruption policy, which were of a spotty and/or technical nature. The latest draft laws are indicative, as they demonstrate the level of politicization of the Government's decision-making process on anti-corruption policy. Ukraine also faces the problem of clear delineation of certain functions between anti-corruption institutions. On a positive note, the adoption of the Anti-Corruption Policy is based on the analysis of the current state of corruption and its perception in society. In 2020, activities to improve corruption legislation were intensified. Moreover, mechanisms for verification and monitoring, analysis, and examination of regulatory documents in various areas were formed.
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