A well-functioning public administration, together with public governance, plays an important role in many aspects of modern society, such as political, social, and economic outcomes. In this context, it is difficult to overestimate the role of proper legal regulation of administrative procedures. The modern state does not just unilaterally influence passive objects but interacts with citizens and organizations, recognizing their legal personality, and providing an opportunity to participate in the development of administrative decisions. This integral aspect of the development of public legislation and the practice of its application is primary, while all other areas of modernization of public administration (in particular the introduction of electronic technologies) should be considered derivative of it. The research aims to establish the regularity of the current peculiarities of the development of administrative legal relations in European countries, based on the reports of the E-Government Development Index, E-Participation Index, and OECD Digital Government Index by conducting regression analysis. It has been determined that the EU has been leading the world rankings since the beginning of e-government research and has the most homogeneous e-government development. Moreover, it has been established that Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Iceland, and Malta belong to the highest EGDI rating class and are among the world leaders in the development of e-government.
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