Based on the results of the study, it can be argued that the issues of administrative and legal aspects of court services in Ukraine are poorly understood and extremely relevant in the context of the intensification of the country's European integration process and in the context of uncertainty and instability. It has been revealed that in Ukraine the mechanism of normative-legal and legislative regulation of court services is too weak. Moreover, there is no clear and unified definition of their essence, which requires improvement of the current national legislation. It can be achieved by developing and adopting the Law of Ukraine "On Court Services". It has been established that court services are provided in compliance with general and special principles. However, the author notes that there are significant problems in their provision, in particular, there is no clear systematization of their list, the existing scientific, applied, legislative and methodological support for the court services procedure is imperfect, and the quality of court services does not meet international requirements and standards. Thus, it has been proposed to introduce administrative liability for violation of the requirements and procedure for the provision of court services, as well as to strengthen internal and external control over the quality of their provision to address these problems.
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