The purpose of the academic paper is to highlight the key aspects of decentralization in EU countries and the potential of their consideration in the conditions of reforming state governance in Ukraine. The research methodology is based on statistical and regression analysis of EU states according to fiscal, administrative and political decentralization indicators. Average annual GDP growth rates of EU countries and Decentralization Index components contained in the database of the European Committee of the Regions (2023) were used for the regression assessment. The results demonstrate several differences between EU countries in terms of fiscal, administrative, political decentralization and economic growth rates for 2017-2021. Based on the analysis of decentralization in certain sectors of the economy of the most developed countries in Europe, differences in distributing powers between public authorities at the central, regional and local levels have been revealed, depending on the basic ability to manage social-economic development. The practical value of the scientific work lies in developing recommendations on decentralization for Ukraine, taking into account the experience of EU states.
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