This research aimed at analysing the prioritization strategies used in developing sustainable dolphin-watching tourism at Lovina Beach. The study was conducted at Lovina Beach by involving five informants who were selected by using purposive sampling as the research subjects. They were a government, boat driver, villager, academician, and tourist. The data were obtained through FGD (focus group discussion), observation, interview, and document analysis. The instruments used were observation sheet, interview guide, and note list. The SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat), and AHP (analytical hierarchy process). The data were also interpreted quantitatively. The results showed that; there were five criteria used in obtaining the prioritization strategies implemented in developing dolphin watching tourism sustainably. Those criteria were; human resource readiness, cost advantage, urgency, risk, and differentiation. It was found out that the prioritized strategies were; coaching and socializing, increasing local communities’ awareness, empowering the management of rubbish and waste, diversifying and developing Another finding revealed that internal and external factors influenced the development itself.
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