
Interactive multimedia
Learning outcomes
Project-based blended learning

How to Cite

Suwiwa, I. G., Putu Suharta, I. G., Yoda, I. K. ., & Artanayasa, I. W. (2024). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROJECT-BASED BLENDED LEARNING MODEL ASSISTED WITH INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA ON STUDENTS’ LEARNING OUTCOMES. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 16(1), 359–369. Retrieved from


This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a project-based blended learning model assisted with interactive multimedia on students’ learning outcomes. It was designed in a quantitative study using the Wilcoxon test. It also involved 100 students of the Physical Education, Health, and Recreation Department at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha selected by using a random sampling technique. A test was conducted to obtain the data. The result of the study shows that the project-based blended learning model assisted with interactive multimedia effectively affects students’ learning outcomes in Pencak Silat courses. It has a moderate effect on students’ learning outcomes. Lecturers in teaching Pencak Silat course can use the innovative learning model assisted with interactive multimedia. They are suggested to implement it attentively to get better results in the future.



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