Different approaches in linguistics to the study of folklore make it possible to present this phenomenon as a complex and constantly changing system. Therefore, it is essential to interpret folklore from the cognitive, communicative linguistics and linguocultural studies standpoint. The article aims to establish the content and directions of folklore research in modern linguistics. Special attention is paid to the folklore concept, linguistic semiotics, and the study of the French folklore tradition. The research methodology is based on an integrated approach. The main ones are the descriptive method used to describe the theoretical aspects of the study, as well as the comparative and contrastive methods for studying folklore discourse and its representation in French folklore texts. The study's hypothesis assumes that folklore, as an object of linguistic research, is a diverse and multilayered phenomenon, presented as a cultural concept, a system of oppositions and paradigms that transforms the idea in diachronic and synchronic dimensions. It has resulted in the establishment of the terminological boundaries of the "folklore" concept in research practices. The paper has identified a number of promising areas of research on French folklore texts. A further study on the systematization of linguistic knowledge related to the study of folklore texts, the peculiarities of French folklore, and the prospects for the development of the folklore concept remains promising.
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