The purpose is to study the implementation of socio-cultural forms of harmonization of civilizational perspectives in public administration and management in Ukraine. The violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity, threat to national security, war crimes, crimes against humanity have intensified this area of research. An effective means of confrontation in a full-scale war will be the unification of common civilizational values. The study used scientific approaches and general scientific methods. The study analyzes the transformation processes in Ukraine. The systemic challenges that threatened the economic and political spheres were studied: the COVID-19 pandemic, the problem of security and peace, inflation, violation of democratic principles, energy problems, and others. The civilizational and national challenges of Ukraine on the way to integration into the European and Euro-Atlantic space are identified. The formed national identity can have a positive impact on civilizational prospects. The article analyzes the forms of harmonization in the socio-cultural context in the implementation of civilizational perspectives in the public administration and management of Ukraine. Harmonization can be implemented through updating national legislation or through unification, establishing joint interaction between civil society and the State, and differentiation. Harmonization is not a complete identification with the standards of the European Union, but approximation.
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