
Spiritual well-being
Sociodemographic factors

How to Cite

Nunes, S. A. N., Santos Costa, J., Silva de Almeida, A. K. ., & Gimenes Fernandes, M. (2023). THE ROLE OF SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES AND SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING IN PREDICTING LEVELS OF HAPPINESS IN BRAZILIANS. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(4), 289–314. Retrieved from


Researches have sought to understand if happiness can be associated with sociodemographic variables and spiritual well-being, but there are some controversies in the results. This research aims to investigate if sociodemographic factors (gender, age, ethnicity/race, marital status, income) and spiritual well-being predict subjective perception of Brazilians happiness. This is a descriptive, relational and cross-sectional research, (n = 769) and the participants had a mean age of 33.18 years (SD = 11.99). We found that Brazilians present high levels of happiness and that older people, with more education and with higher family income reported higher levels of happiness. The model which best predicted happiness incorporated two dimensions of spiritual well-being (connection with yourself and connection with God) and three sociodemographic variables (marital status, income and age). The results from this study may serve to support the clinical practice of health and mental health professionals, since they must pay attention to the spiritual well-being of their patients. Moreover, clinical and pedagogical interventions can take into account marital status and age, focusing on younger and single people. Finally, these findings may reinforce, in the public policies arena, the need to strengthen social policies for income transfer to the poorest, as a way of combating inequality and social injustice, since a fair income also appears as a predictor of happiness.



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