
Social psychology
Information society
Psychological space
Spiritual and moral development
Moral stability
Historical memory

How to Cite

Posokhova, N. ., Rimsky, V. ., Rimskaya, O. ., Syrovatsky, E. ., & Anikeev, D. . (2023). THE PARADIGM OF CREATIVITY AND CULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES IN CONTEMPORARY CULTURAL PHILOSOPHY. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(4), 141–148. Retrieved from


The article investigates the relevance of the study of innovation in culture and new cultural technologies and industries emerging on their basis. The key goal of the study is to determine the creative paradigm in the ritualization and technologization of new knowledge, as well as models of productive activity in cultural and civilizational systems. The study design is based on comparative-philosophical and cultural-civilizational analysis conducted with a critical interpretation of M.K. Petrov’s. As a result, the authors create a series of concepts linking innovativeness and creativity with the development of cultural production of new knowledge and its ritualization and technologization in culture and creative industries.



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