The present study aimed to understand the attribution of causality by adolescents from two municipal schools to the 2022 rainfall disaster in Petrópolis-RJ. Based on the theoretical support of social cognition, specifically about the process of causal attribution, a quantitative and qualitative opinion survey was carried out with 82 adolescents from four classes in the final years of Elementary School in two public schools in the municipality, three classes accessed in a school unit (sixth, seventh and eighth grades) and one in another school (eighth grade). Data were collected at three different times, using three questionnaires covering perception of problem aggravation; feelings experienced with the episode; and perception of disaster prevention. In these moments of approximately 50 minutes, as it was an extension activity, conversation wheels were also held to explore and record other perceptions of the target audience that exceeded the responses of the instruments. After records, the data were described in frequencial format and discussed in the light of concepts inherent to the theory of attribution of causality, such as dispositional (internal) and situational (external) attribution. In general, it was verified, through the higher frequency of responses of fear and sadness, a greater intensity of the dispositional factor (internal attribution) is observed; as well as great difficulty, on the part of the students, to come up with ideas regarding preventive ways to minimize the tragedy caused by the heavy rains.
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