
Social psychology
Information society
Psychological space
Spiritual and moral development
Moral stability
Historical memory

How to Cite

Grebennikova, V. ., Bonkalo, T. ., Rudenko, E. ., Us, O. ., & Malkov, A. . (2023). SPIRITUAL AND MORAL SOVEREIGNTY OF PERSONALITY IN INFORMATION SOCIETY: A SUBJECTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL APPROACH. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(4), 100–112. Retrieved from https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/synesis/article/view/2722


Studies of the patterns and methods of spiritual and moral transformation in the new information reality have received particular attention in the scientific literature, which has amassed a sizable body of work on the socio-philosophical issues of the information society. In order to maintain the stability of that person's spiritual and moral sphere in the information society, this study aims to answer the question of what personality traits an Internet user possesses under the circumstances of unrestrained information exchange and potential harm to young people's moral values. This research was conducted using a study of current scientific theories regarding the tendencies in the growth of the information society, the transformation of the human way of life in connection with the access to information, communication and Internet technology, the impact of this transformation on the spiritual and moral condition of the subject of information interaction, the polydeterminative mechanisms and factors of preservation of moral attitudes and life meanings.



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