This study is written to see how the implementation of cyber and critical pedagogy through previous studies, as well as its implications on students'' cognitive progress. A descriptive and qualitative literature study methodology is used in this study.Students’ Cognitive Level by using Critical and Cyber Pedagogies The Strength of Critical and Cyber Pedagogy Implementation in the Classroom The Weakness of Critical and Cyber Pedagogy Implementation in the ClassroomIn conclusion, the literature review research about the implementation of critical and cyber pedagogy has highlighted the importance of incorporating these approaches into educational practices. Studies have shown that critical pedagogy encourages students to think critically about their surroundings and question societal norms, while cyber pedagogy emphasizes the use of technology in education. The implementation of these approaches can lead to a more engaging and inclusive learning environment where students are encouraged to participate actively in their own education. Additionally, critical and cyber pedagogy can help bridge the digital divide by providing access to technology for all students. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed when implementing these approaches. Teachers need training and support in order to effectively incorporate critical and cyber pedagogy into their teaching practices. Furthermore, there is a need for ongoing evaluation and assessment of these approaches to ensure that they are effective in improving student learning outcomes. Overall, the literature review research highlights the potential benefits of incorporating critical and cyber pedagogy into educational practices while also acknowledging the challenges that must be overcome for successful implementation.
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