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Araujo, J., & Mauro Assis Gomes, C. (2023). THE APPROACH-IN-PROCESS TEST VERSION 2 HAS PEDAGOGICAL POTENTIAL TO ENHANCE STUDENT SELF-EVALUATION. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(4), 36–45. Retrieved from


Student self-evaluation is an essential process for the development and improvement of academic education. It enables students to acquire knowledge about their own abilities, processes and products and contributes to the improvement of their learning. Despite the potential of self-assessment to benefit students, it can be conducted in ways that reduce or compromise its benefits. Leaving the student on their own, without any support in self-assessment, is a conduct that compromises the benefits of self-assessment. In turn, the presence of support alone does not guarantee its quality. This support needs to focus on the learning processes, but current pedagogical practice very rarely addresses these processes. In this context, learner self-assessment can become appropriate if categories of analysis about process types are taught in the classroom. Some psychoeducational materials can act as appropriate tools to generate good quality self-assessment by allowing learning processes to be presented to students. The Approach-in-Process Test Version 2 has this characteristic. In this paper, we show that the test achieves four defining criteria of good quality learner self-assessment: (1) objective parameters, (2) external feedback based on the active subject, (3) self-assessment based on an objective product, and (4) calibration of the self-assessment. It can be used by secondary and higher education teachers who aim to work on self-assessment with their students.

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