
higher education
education system
management technologies

How to Cite

Rati, O. ., Рshenychna L. ., Malashevska , I. ., Sitsinska , M. ., & Shum, O. . (2023). THE EVOLUTION OF MANAGERIAL ACTIVITY OF EDUCATION MANAGERS. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(3), 308–317. Retrieved from


The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that in the process of work, the features of the managerial activity of education managers are determined; clarified the essence of technologization of management in the education system; substantiated and experimentally - experimentally tested a set of pedagogical conditions (the formation of a technological mentality, the evolution of the status of education managers, the implementation of the program-target model, the provision of managerial activities with program-targeted resources), which contributes to the successful improvement of the managerial activities of education managers in the context of technologization. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the theory of technologization of management has been enriched, which contributes to the improvement of the management activities of education managers. The practical significance of the study lies in the implementation of the principle of technologization in the activities of heads of educational institutions, the introduction of a program-target model (static and dynamic aspects) into the education system, which contributes to the improvement of the activities of education managers, the creation of a set of methods for retrospective and diagnostic analysis of technological mentality, professional qualities managers of education, the development of scientific and methodological materials, regulatory documents for managing the improvement of the activities of managers in the municipal education system, specific technologies for managing educational activities at the municipal level.



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