
Qassim University

How to Cite

Rahman, M. M. . (2023). UNDERGRADUATE EFL LEARNERS’ PERSPECTIVES OF E-LEARNING DURING COVID-19: A CASE STUDY AT QASSIM UNIVERSITY, SAUDI ARABIA. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(3), 243–254. Retrieved from https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/synesis/article/view/2606


The teaching-learning activities have witnessed immense challenges due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus globally. Eventually, all the teachers and students were forced to choose an online class over the traditional or face-to-face learning to stop the spread of the virus. Nevertheless, the researchers see it as a challenge instead of taking this opportunity to felicitate the teachers and instructors with the findings of this study, which will help them implement e-learning systems. Therefore, this study aims to determine students' experiences about using e-learning as a pedagogical method for their learning needs amid the Covid-19 situation and further. In this regard, a questionnaire was prepared using constructs from the early studies to measure the user's experience and satisfaction with the e-learning system. The questionnaire consists of 10 close-ended items, randomly distributed among 50 undergraduate EFL students of Qassim University. Based on the learners' valid responses against each item, a quantitative analysis has been done using SPSS 26. This study indicates the students' positive attitudes towards the use of the e-learning system as they claimed that this system had enabled them to attain their learning goals. However, the learners reported mild technical difficulty due to the university learning management system.



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