
higher education
education system
communicative competence

How to Cite

Kazak, Y., Nikiforov, I. ., Martyniuk , O. ., Iaresko , O. ., & Folomieieva, N. . (2023). THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COMPETENCE MANAGEMENT IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF A HIGHER SCHOOL. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(3), 117–131. Retrieved from


This article analyzes the phenomenon of knowledge management in the knowledge society, examines its importance in the university management system and evaluates its impact on the quality of teaching. A theoretical analysis of the essence of knowledge management has been carried out, the features of the processes of transfer and dissemination of knowledge at the present time have been determined, trends in the development of education and their relationship with knowledge management have been considered. The conceptual foundations of knowledge management in higher education are substantiated and the conditions for its implementation in the university are determined. The proposed methodology, which includes an experimental study to test the hypothesis and implement the concept of knowledge management in the educational process of higher education.



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