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Chiang Wei-Shui
Petition Movement
Taiwanese Cultural Association台湾文化协会
Taiwanese People’s Party台湾民众党

How to Cite

Ke, P. ., & Ma , T. . (2023). A STUDY ON CHINESE NATIONAL IDENTITY OF TAIWAN POLITICIAN CHIANG WEI-SHUI. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(2), 234–254. Retrieved from https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/synesis/article/view/2504


This paper demonstrates that Chiang Wei-Shui蒋渭水 (1891-1931) is faithful to the Chinese national identity by combing the historical texts. His main goal was to resist Japanese colonial rule, pursue Taiwan's return to its motherland and complete the reunification of China. Chiang Wei-Shui was a famous politician in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation. In the history of the Chinese national movement in Taiwan, Chiang Wei-Shui was the most influential political activist who could sting the Japanese colonists and awaken the Chinese national consciousness of the Taiwanese. However, in the confrontation between unification and independence in contemporary Taiwan society, separatists manipulated him as a representative of "Taiwan independence", distorting his real national identity. Moreover, Taiwan’s independence is now a mainstream political position in Taiwan. Some politicians and scholars invent traditions for political purposes, but few people seek historical authenticity. I believe that researchers should strive to get rid of the influence of politics and pursue pure scholarship, which is why I am researching this topic.

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