This article presents a detailed analysis with an emphasis on actual data to illustrate the value of learning analytics in boosting the retention and graduation of college and university students. The review covers a range of relevant topics, including: To fulfil the competency-building requirements of the future, educational institutions like universities and colleges will need to develop innovative teaching methods. This qualitative case study makes an attempt to establish what skills and knowledge will be necessary for college students to acquire in the future, as well as how learning analytics may aid facilitate the acquisition of these skills and information. Because future abilities are formed on the trifecta of subject development, objects, and the social environment, it makes sense to focus on all three of these aspects simultaneously. The results of a qualitative content analysis of group interviews conducted with 19 educators are the primary focus of this article. According to the findings, crucial components for future subject development include reflective competence, self-awareness and self-management, learning literacy, personal agency and self-efficacy, and learning literacy. Learning analytics have the ability to enhance individuals' development since they give people with the tools to reflect on their own learning and competence growth and to become more self-aware of both their strengths and flaws. Learning analytics were also thought to encourage learning via active engagement, self-assurance in one's own capacity to learn, knowledge of one's own learning processes, and metacognition. Students need to acquire object-related abilities such as flexibility and digital competence in order to be able to handle complex subjects and assignments.
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