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Embong , A. H. ., Yasin, M. F. M. ., & Azmi , R. . (2023). A CLARIFICATION OF THE NASALISATION (GHUNNAH) RULE THROUGH SPECTROGRAM ANALYSIS . Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 15(1), 64–79. Retrieved from https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/synesis/article/view/2407


Nasalisation or ghunnah is a rule of in Quranic tajweed (method of recitation) which is an obligatory for Muslims to fulfill and abide when they recite the holy Quran. Meanwhile, spectrogram is a technology utilised widely in linguistic study which is useful in analysis of speech. Past studies had shown that the rate of errors during pronunciation of nasalisation rule is very obvious among the reciters.  It might happen prior to the consequence of varying rules on nasalisation rule imparted by Quranic scholars and ambiguous information within the tajweed knowledge itself. Such factors lead to the confusion among the reciters. This paper aims to clarify the ambiguities through discussion on scholars’ views and spectrogram analysis.It is quantitative in nature by referring to the document study focusing on review of selected muktabar (honourable), tajweed books, nasalisation rule from previous work and visual analysis of spectrogram pattern. It is found that the definition varies among   scholars and some information in the knowledge of tajweed confused reciters. The findings also revealed that through spectrogram analysis, ambiguities could be clarified. As clarification was achieved, there is a tendency that errors regarding nasalisation can be reduced and finally improving the accuracy in Quranic recitation.



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