
causal dualism
the evolution of consciousness
the evolution of thinking
hierarchy of logics
statement of observability
statement of causality

How to Cite

Safronov, A. V. . (2022). EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS: THE MULTISUBSTANTIAL EVOLUTION OF THE OBSERVER AND THE HIERARCHY OF MODAL LOGICS IN CAUSAL DUALISM. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 14(1), 399–421. Retrieved from https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/synesis/article/view/2334


The subject of the author's research is the existing and possible theories describing the development or evolution of such a mental phenomenon as consciousness. The main approaches to the formation of such theories in their historical perspective have been considered. In particular, the currently relevant theory of integrated information by Tononi combines the idea of panpsychism about the fundamental role of the mental and the theory of evolution by Spencer about the increasing level of complexity in the world. The evolutionary theories of Dennett and Dawkins are based on the Darwinian idea of natural selection. The periodization of cultural and historical stages in the development of mankind and, as a consequence, the types of human thinking by Jaspers continues the tradition of Hegel's historicism and the isolation of the spiritual principle in the development of man by Dilthey. An approach to the evolution of consciousness within the framework of causal dualism has also been considered. The article proposes a thought experiment in which the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates is transferred to the present. The question of how a philosopher would perceive the type of thinking and consciousness of a modern person has been investigated. It has been concluded that Socrates belongs to a certain type of thinking corresponding to his historical period of the evolution of thinking and consciousness.



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