
great unity

How to Cite

Mai Uoc, T. . (2022). THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND THE LESSON TO PROMOTE THE POWER OF UNITY IN VIETNAM. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 14(1), 356–372. Retrieved from


The COVID-19 claimed by WHO is a pandemic appearing on 11/3/2020, whose negative impacts to all aspects of social life cause consequences that are heavy, unpredicted, pushing humans into a globally serious crisis. In Vietnam, due to the quick spread of the Delta variant the fourth exploding causes large impacts to all aspects of economic-socio life, producing activities, and business of enterprises, and people when spreading to most of provinces, cities, where high population density, industrial parks, export processing zones and large enterprises are concentrated. Despite the difficulties and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic causing, the social consensus of people, as well as the involvement of the political system in effectively implementing policies and measures of the State is a significant key to succeed in the COVID-19 pandemic prevention. Approaching from the philosophy aspect, the philosophy of society through researching and analyzing the real conditions in the COVID-19 pandemic prevention of Vietnam and other related documents, the article analyzes to clarify the basic content relating to the lesson to promote the power of unity in Vietnam in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the research, many impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world also affected Vietnam. However, due to the specific conditions of Vietnam, those impacts have different features, shades, and levels, strongly affected in all fields, such as: medical, economy, culture, and society... For Vietnam, the COVID-19 pandemic also supplies many lessons and experiences to promote the power of unity shown by promoting the meaningful lifestyle, based on people in the process of preventing and controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.



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