In this study, it is aimed to relationship between perceptions regarding service quality and commitment to sports among sports centres members'. The sample of our study consists of 426 participants who go to sports centres. Personal information form, Perceived Service Quality of Sports and Fitness Centres Scale, and Sports Commitment Scale are used as data collection tools in the research carried out in the relational screening model. The data obtained from the questionnaires are analysed in the Jamovi 1.8.2 statistical software program. In the analysis of the data, the independent sample t-Test and one-way analysis of variance tests are used to determine the differences between the variables in pair wise comparisons. Although the total score of commitment to sports by gender was in favour of men, there was no statistically significant difference. There is a statistically significant difference between the quality of service and adherence to sports according to the time to the sports center. According to the data obtained, it is concluded that there is a relationship between service quality and sports commitment and that the increase in service quality affects the level of sports commitment of the members.
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