
Sports Sciences
Academic Achievement

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The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the academic achievement of students studying in sports sciences and their recreation awareness levels. the sample group consisted of 308 randomly selected people from this universe. As data collection tools, the personal information form developed by the researchers and the recreation awareness scale were used. As a result, it has been observed that the academic achievement of the sports science students is average, and the recreation awareness level is above the average. A low level of positive correlation was found between the academic achievement of sports science students and the total recreational awareness. When the relationship between academic achievement and recreation awareness sub-dimensions was examined, no relationship was found between social-achievement, but a low-level positive and significant relationship was found between pleasure-entertainment and self-development. The fact that sports science students’, constituting the sample of the study, had a resume of athletes; It is thought that reinforcing the skills they learned under the umbrella of sports sciences with extracurricular activities in the facilities and leisure time activities such as being with friends, communicating, and feeling excitement positively affect their recreational awareness.



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