
Life Satisfaction
Body Image
Soccer Players

How to Cite

Şanal , A. ., Atar, Özdemir ., Özen, G. ., & Deniz Dindar, M. (2022). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LIFE SATISFACTION AND BODY IMAGE IN AMPUTEE AND DISABLED SOCCER PLAYERS IN TURKIYE. Synesis (ISSN 1984-6754), 14(2), 152–161. Retrieved from


The purpose of this study was to the relationship between life satisfaction and body image in amputee and disabled soccer players in Turkiye. 102 football players with lower extremity competing in different leagues in the 2019-2020 amputee football season voluntarily participated in the study. A quantitative research method was used in the research. Satisfaction with Life Scale and Amputee Body Image Scale (ABIS) were used to collect data. SPSS package program was used for the data analysis. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to identify the relationship between satisfaction with life scale and amputee body image scale. As a result of the study, it was found that, in amputee football players with lower extremity amputation, there was a highly negative relationship between satisfaction with life score and ABIS overall score (r=-0.790; P=0.000) and between satisfaction with life score and ABIS social factor score (r= -0.776; P=0.000), and a moderately negative relationship between satisfaction with life score and ABIS personal factor score (r= -0.684; P=0.000) and between satisfaction with life score and ABIS functional factor score  (r= -0.610; P=0.000). In conclusion, as the amputee football players’ level of satisfaction with life increased, so did their positive perception about their body image.



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