This study aimed to examine the relationship between individual innovativeness levels and lifelong learning tendencies of physical education and sports school students. The study was designed in the relational survey model, which is one of the quantitative research methods. The questionnaire technique was used as the data collection method. The study was carried out on a voluntary basis. The research universe consisted of students studying at Istanbul Gelisim University School of Physical Education and Sports. The students (n=195) who volunteered to participate in the study constitute the sample. The data of the study were collected using a personal information form, Individual Innovativeness Scale, and Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 package software. The Spearman correlation analysis was preferred as a statistical analysis.
As a result, it was determined that the individual innovativeness level and lifelong learning tendencies of the Physical Education and Sports School students were high, and there was a weak, moderate, and high level of negative and positive correlations between the individual innovativeness levels of students and their lifelong learning tendencies. In other words, it has been determined that the lifelong learning tendency is positively affected by the increase in the level of individual innovativeness.
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